Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a middle-income country occupying half of the island known as the Antilles in the Carribean. Haiti occupies the western half of the island. 

The population in 2014 was 10 million and the capital Santo Domingo is located in the south of the island. 

As most of its exports from sugar, tobacco and coffee end up in the US, the economy is largely dependent on such trade and suffers from the disparities this causes. 

10% of the population enjoys 40% of GDP. 41% of the population are below the poverty line.1

The challenge faced by those living in poverty to obtain medicines when a person falls ill is great. Cancer drug prices are high, and many, even if they could afford them, simply don’t have access to them. The government spend an annual 5.4% of GDP on health. 1

The Dominican Republic has a cancer registry as well as procedural policies to combat cancer. There is a public health system, yet with severe limitations. Any extra treatment such as chemotherapy or access to morphine (often used in palliative care) cause poorer patients to suffer greatly. 2

The life expectancy of males is 75 years and in females 80 years. The main causes of death are cardiovascular diseases. 3 There is a very high 5-year prevalence of prostate cancer in men (101.9%), the mortality rate is 16%. Breast cancer in women has the highest cancer incidence rate and similar mortality rates to that of cervical cancer both around 12%. 4


Fundación Solidaria del Divino Niño Jesús Dominikanische republik, santiago

The Foundation Fundación Solidaria del Divino Niño Jesús, Inc (FSDNJ) is non-profit organisation founded on Christian values. Their work is dedicated solely to supporting the poorest of the poor and serves no political means. 

 The organisation is strongly linked to the Archbishop of Santiago de los Cabarellos. He issued the mandate on 29.06.2009 to only serve those in need, especially children who need to be extracted from a situation of poverty.

One of the FSDNJ run programmes is called SANANDO. The mission of this program focuses on supporting impoverished and needy people in the following regions: Santiago, Monte Christi, Dajabon, San Juan, Jimani und Pedernales. Through the help of many donors, one of which being Krebsallianz, the region is supported by professional medicinal support and medicines for a large number of diseases and illness. 

Through the partnership with the Germany based Krebsallianz local institutions such as clinics, hospitals and humanitarian organisations are able to receive crucial and essential medicines. It is the duty of the foundation to handle the gift in kind donations responsibly and to distribute them correct and effectively. 

FSDNJ’s mission is to take care of children and their education, health, nutrition, clothing and housing situations. Through the different programs the children should learn solidarity, a value of worth to assist them to turn into responsible members of society. 

Vision: With help from national and international institutions, FSDNJ aims to be a prime example for social help nationwide. This support should provide sustainable solutions for overall development issues for the poorest of the poor. 


1. Establish educational programs for a holistic development specifically for impoverished children, implement workshops and other educational activities

2. Provide medicinal treatments and precautionary measures for children coming from impoverished families, who would otherwise go untreated. These range from dentistry to surgical procedures to basic medicinal supplements.

3. Offer subsidies for projects and institutions that provide nutritional means for smaller children.

4. Offer services for the building and renovation of housing and educational facilities.

5. Collect and distribute donated clothes, toys, books and other gifts in kind that provide the children opportunities of education.

6. Establish  support programs for children with psychical and / or judicial problems.

Bischop Ramon Benito de la Rosa y Capri (Archbishop, Executive Chairman)
Father Padre Eduardo Antonio Nuñez Collado (President und Managing Director)
Mr. Randolph Manuel Morillo (Vice President)
Fundación Solidaria del Divino Niño Jesús, Inc.
Calle Duvergé No. 8,Santiago, República Dominicana
Tel: (809) 581-0021
Fax: (809) 226-2146
Facebook: https: //


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